Long Term Care Admissions

Helps your Central Admissions Office (CAO) make good and timely decisions on hospital referrals. The goal is to provide you with the ability to monitor referral traffic into all of your facilities. We give your CAO the ability to access referrals that are rejected, and to monitor the timeliness of your facilities responses.

Key Features

  • Faxes can go either directly to your facilities or they can be sent to your CAO where someone could determine who is the best facility to send the referral to.
  • Facilities can then forward any referrals that they decline to your CAO. Your CAO can send that referral onto other facilities that may have an available bed.
  • As the CAO, you generate a bed census report that details the filled, empty and bed holds per facility.
  • Your CAO has the ability to review a report at any time stating which referrals came into a facility, what time the referral came in, what time it was reviewed, if it was accepted or rejected, what time the facility notified the hospital and if the patient was admitted.  The reason for this is so management can assess average response time.
  • CFA provides you with the control that you have always wanted over your facilities, to determine if all referrals are being appropriately accepted or rejected.
  • With CFA you no longer have to worry about busy signals or jammed faxes.
  • If one of your facilities rejects the referral, that facility will no longer need to resend the fax to you, clogging up the main fax line. Instead, all they simply have to do is click forward to CAO and in a matter of seconds, your CAO operator will see the incoming referral.


PRIME Services has developed a software program to help your Central Admissions Office (CAO) make good and timely decisions on hospital referrals.

The goal of this program is to provide you with the ability to monitor referral traffic into all of your facilities. The system will give your CAO the ability to access referrals that are rejected, and to monitor the timeliness of your facilities responses. By partnering with PRIME Services, you can expect to realize some of the following.